11-21-16 What Are You Thankful For

I’m thankful for multiple things. I’m thankful for my health, the fact that I can breathe and that my senses work perfectly fine. I’m also thankful for everyone in my life, helping me push pass negativity that I receive on a daily basis. I would be lost without them all. I could go on and on about every little thing but honestly I’m too lazy. The thing that I am the most thankful for is the fact that America isn’t in a war zone, I’m thankful for not having to  worry about my life being in danger every second of my life. So thank you to the people who have served or people that are serving. It means everything. I’m sorry for being like patriotic and stuff.

News Article 10-31-16

   The role that Keith Beauchamp and Stanley Nelson played in the re-opening of Emmet Till’s murder trial was the people who questioned the ruling and urged people to  protest the ruling. They were very passionate about the subject which played into the impact of their works. They did vey well at their roles.

The controversial decision Mamie Mobley made about her son’s funeral was her letting it be an open casket. She made this decision to show the community what happened to her son and to prove that it was a really big problem. The idea was very effective because the photo and the story roared throughout the entire country.

Mr. Nelson felt very grateful and extremely good. He felt like that because he got to be apart of actual prolonged justice. He worked so hard for the outcome, and he was so overjoyed with it.

10-10-16 Who is the Most Inspirational person in your Life?

The most inspirational person in my life is probably my mother (her name is Stacey so I’m going to refer to her as that). Stacey can still hold everything together even if her mind feels like debris. Even when I’m being unbridled child she’s still able to salvage her sanity. She predisposes anything she’s invited to if i have a football game performance. She’s the ideal mother that anyone could ask for. I can be an spurious person or a spasmodic person, but she still loves me and that’s what matters about it. I thank my mother for keeping my past toddler tantrums as efface as possible. Thank you, Stacey for admonishing me about bad decisions and demolishing the deadlock between my sister and I. I love how Stacey is so circumspect with her choice of words and can push through a dilemma. She’s my inspiration in life.

10-10-16 What Scares Me the Most in Life?

The thing that scares me the most in life is life itself. I mean like anything could happen at any time. It’s terrifying. I guess that terrifying thought breaches my mind a lot. Thats why I’m so circumspect about everything. But doing so is very hard for the cumbersome person I am. I actually have two fears in life, and one is responsibility. I muddle a lot of things and I don’t like taking responsibility over it, and Im very opinionated when some one points me out on it. I could never relinquish it. It’s a big dilemma for me and the people around me. The other fear is growing up. I know its kinda cliche for someone not wanting to grown up but i am horrified of it. I have such a creative/childish mind and being an adult with that type of mind set is unusual and mine is unbridled. And if I try to act mature it would be spurious and really fake and i couldn’t do that perennial. Stuff line that terrifies me.

10-6-16 A Mix Tape of My Life

A mix tape of my life would be odd in my opinion because we are going through my favorite songs throughout my life so far but, here we go. The very first song would be So What (came out in 2008) by P!nk I say this because I absolutely loved this song in 3rd-4th grade. The next song would be Part of Me (came out in 2010) by Katy Perry because in 5th grade i was obsessed with this song. The song after that would be American Idiot by Green Day (came out in 2004) I started liking this song in 6th grade and love it to this day. The last song would be anything done by Nirvana (1989-1994) , Panic! At the Disco(2004-prestent) , or Twenty One Pilots (2009-present)  because I go crazy for any of those bands. I hope you would like it if i actually made one.

10-6-16 My First Crush

Ugh. I know that this is odd but, my very first crush was a, uh, girl. It was Scarlett Johansson.  I was 11 at the time. I thought and still think that she’s a beautiful woman. Obviously I could never tell Scarlett that I liked her, so, I never did. I know its a little odd but I honestly don’t care. I liked her because she was so pretty and she seemed so sweet and caring. She seemed like the type of person that would donate something that someone else would need. She was so pretty in Under the Skin. She’s my absolute favorite actress.